How might we design an interactive calendar for a shared space?
We imagined a shared physical calendar that would merge simple physical touch interactions with personalized digital information. As a shared object, the calendar needed to be relevant to many different people.
An interactive horoscope calendar for an office or other shared space that projects daily horoscope reading when a specific sign is touched.
3 weeks
Ideation, Code, Physical Build
Olivia Greco, ChiChing Tsai, & Jiya Seo
Capacitive paint, Arduino, Processing
We were inspired by capacitive paint to create beautiful capacitive touch sensors in an office context. In shared spaces, like an office, people like to interact with bulletin boards and shared posting spaces. Therefore, we imagined a shared calendar of sorts where people could interact with a physical shared calendar, but receive personal/customized information back. As we began to think how this would work in practice, we came to the idea of horoscopes. Not only would this be a manageable scope of personalized response, but people also quite enjoy the fun of hearing their daily horoscopes.
Proof of concept for the capacitive paint as a sensor working with the microcontroller
Proof of concept for processing code reading different capacitive sensors connected to specific visual outputs
Physical build - circular wood board and used nails to carry the conductance from the paint to the wires hidden behind the object in a stable manner.
Code for horoscope projection - symbols and reading
Match horoscope to physical object
We decided to project the symbols of the horoscope on to the circles because it allows the signs to show up clearly AND allows for the flexibility in changing what the calendar can be used for. Instead of horoscopes it could be used for a season or holiday or moon cycle. It all came together so that whenever a user touches their sign on the circle, their corresponding daily horoscope gets projected to the center of the signs.
Below are some photos of the wiring and a schematic of the components of the calendar.