
New Moon, New Me

Credit for the clever title goes to a lovely friend of mine - a phrase cleverly thrown out in response to my mention of the new moon this past Thursday and how it corresponded to some conscious shifts I am making in my life. Those shifts - both superficial (haircut) and deep (facing fears and distractions) - are really not so much a new me as a continual uncovering of the selves within me. I felt a shift this week as I was able to see more clearly the behavioral patterns I've been exhibiting recently and reconnect to glimmers of my sense of purpose. 

One of the biggest mirrors I looked into this week - and not for the first time - was my fear and self-doubt being my biggest hurdles to building what I want. On top of that, I was only able to see the fear and self-doubt honestly when I realized that I have been setting up distractions that have been getting in the way of me taking simple steps to push my vision forward. It was only when I saw these distractions that I was able to see clearly why they were happening. So I had fallen into the cliché of putting up my own barriers to success. 

At the same time as realizing my fears and self-doubt, I had a few serendipitous interactions that reminded me of my passion for the world of wellness, embodiment and healing. In each conversation I simultaneously felt my heart light up with excitement while realizing I know more about the wellness world than I give myself credit for usually.  Although I still have much to learn, I realized that does not preclude me from starting now and sharing my learning process as I go, like many of my teachers have done before me. 

So on that note, one of my steps forward in engaging with this material is to post more often on this blog about my thoughts/feelings/experiences with the wellness and healing worlds. Some may just be personal experiences and hopefully others will be researched reflections. All I really know is that I want to build and contribute my voice and inner wisdom to the world as I'm figuring it all out. 

For now, the reminders I'm holding for myself right now are to: minimize distractions so I can be clearer about checking in with myself AND to make decisions and know that they can always be changed down the road. OH, and that a haircut that makes you feel more yourself is a healing process in itself.